Last Summer’s Colorado Trip

Holy cow have I been slacking off on the outdoor blog posts! It was a busy year and I had to let this go for a bit, but let’s get back to it:

Last July it was time to head back to Colorado for the summer adventure. I had to go solo, so I thought I’d go tick off a mountain that had been vexing me and then just see where things took me.

Loaded up the gear, packed the truck and I hit the road early on a Saturday morning.

From Phoenix it’s about 6ish hours to get to Colorado, then it’s some nice driving, the first part, not my favorite.

Around 6 o’clock I pulled into Ridgway State Park, my home for the night. I’d be hiking into the backcountry tomorrow, but it was nice to spend an easy night in the tent at altitude.

It’s a pretty sweet State Park. There’s a real nice lake, quality campsites, and some amazing views! It would be great place to use as a base camp for doing day hikes all around the area.

Mt Sneffels from Ridgway
Ridgway State Park

The next morning I woke up early, packed up and headed for the Blue Lakes Trailhead.

The road to the trailhead is dirt, it’s accessible by 2wd you just have to go slow in a lot of spots. You see all kinds of vehicles out there, I guess you’re only limited by how much you care about your car.

Got there early enough that I got a good parking spot, and took my time organizing my gear. Pretty soon my pack was on and into the woods I went.

It’s very popular place for backpacking and day hikes so you see a decent amount of people on trail. It’s a short, pretty tough hike that goes up hill in about 200 yards from the parking lot. Basically you switchback up the gully until you reach the main basin. There’s a few waterfalls to see but mainly just hiking up in the trees.

After a little over 3 miles you reach Lower Blue Lake and quickly find that all that effort was worth it!

Lower Blue Lakes

There were a good amount of people camping but I was able to get a nice, relatively secluded spot.

Took my time getting my site set up and had a nice relaxing evening, I was so glad to have my hammock.

That evening I got ready for the next day’s hike, Mt Sneffels. I had made two other attempts at this mountain, both unsuccessful because of storms (I should have started earlier both times). Summer in Colorado means afternoon storms so I wanted to get on the trail at a solid time.

I felt good hiking and in not too long I was standing at 13,000 ft on top of Blue Lakes Pass, looking down on the middle and upper lakes.

Blue Lakes Pass

After that you descend into Yankee Boy Basin, and head towards the Sneffels trail, trying not to think about having to climb up to the pass again…

The next section kind of sucks as you climb the loose scree slope to the saddle. At the saddle you look up the Purple Couloir, the path to the summit.

Purple Couloir

The couloir is full of huge rocks and you navigate up through them to the notch. It was a big snow year so the snowfield up high was pretty long, it was nice to have the axe. I flopped my way up through the notch, not really sure how it get back down, and was headed to the summit.

It’s a cool view from the top, looking all around the San Juans, and east towards the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, I believe. The flys were pretty bad so I headed down after a good look around and a few pics.

Mt Sneffels Summit
Looking down Purple Couloir

Hauled myself back down the notch with the help of some folks coming up, down climbed the snowfield, skated and slipped down the scree, and cursed a little as I climbed back up to Blue Lakes Pass. A little while later after an 8 hour day I was back to camp.

Looking down at Lower Blue Lakes

Back at camp I made myself a snack, sat back and enjoyed being out in the woods, and again the hammock was good.

The next morning it was time to formulate the next plan.

I had thought about heading to Ice Lake near Silverton, but was kind of tired of being by myself in the woods, so I headed over to the old stomping grounds of Crested Butte for a few days.

Mt Crested Butte

Had a nice afternoon walking around town, and was able to have a couple beers with an old friend.

The next morning I headed out to do the West Maroon Creek hike. I didn’t really have a goal, just to hike up high in the amazing alpine!

Made it up to the basin, the wild flowers and mountain views were outstanding, it was great to just hike along in such a beautiful place.

Had a nice dinner in town at The Wooden Nickel, a couple beers and crashed out for the night.

The next morning I was able to have a quick cup of coffee with another old friend I hadn’t seen in 25 years!

I was planning on making my way back to Phoenix after that but decided to get in one more hike, a little lift assisted hike to the top of Mount Crested Butte. It had been a long time since I stood up there, it was a fun way to end the trip!

Mt Crested Butte Summit

Colorado Hiking Video

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